Home � � dev.works #4 - Jan 18 2010 - WebGL, HTML5, 3D, web development, twitter business, GWT, AWS, firefox, azure, symbain, android 2.1, chrome os, .net, linux, XUL,

dev.works #4 - Jan 18 2010 - WebGL, HTML5, 3D, web development, twitter business, GWT, AWS, firefox, azure, symbain, android 2.1, chrome os, .net, linux, XUL,

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ThursdayJanuary 18,2010
Issued every fortnight

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The Web inches towards 3D, as WebGL draft is released



GWT 2.0 released; comes with many new features

Moonlight 2 released

Google released Android 2.1 SDK

A hint of the business features coming in Twitter

Google releases it's own new URL shortner; and Bit.ly starts its pro service

Amazon unvieles new features which allow you to bid for compute capacity

Twitter gets hacked again

3D comes to the living room with Blu-ray 3D

Firefox 3.5 edges out IE7

Microsoft loses patent appeal against i4i

Indian operators may skip 3G, and hold out for 4G instead

Chrome OS Netbooks specs revealed

Touching the clouds with Microsoft Windows Azure

Google to begin offering cloud storage

The face of Symbian to come



HTML5 to feature native support for webcams

The creator of MySQL asks for your help

Chrome OS: The could's grand opening

Chrome OS Online Workflows: Documents

Firefox is beginning to show signs of support for running plugins out of process

Workshop Connect with .NET

Linux in 2010

Intel's crippling of competitors coming to an end?

Thunderbird 3.0 review



#dev resource


Top 20 free AIR apps for Designers and Developers


Who you gonna call? Mozilla!

XUL (XML User Interface language) is the XML syntax used to describe UI elements in Firefox, and is used while creating extensions for the browser. The namespace URI (among many other things) is a reference to the film Ghostbusters. The XUL namespace URI, which is: http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul references the key plot elements from the film, the "keymaster" and "gatekeeper". Furthermore, "there.is.only.xul" is part of XUL's slogan, "There is no data, there is only XUL" which is a play on the dialog "There is no Dana, only Zuul" from the film.

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