Home � � Reviews: Half-Life 2 mods, Dark Void, Serious Sam HD: The first encounter | News: MSI's range of notebooks for 2010, Apple developing a search engine?, Motorola MOTOROI, YouTube, Mozilla Firefox 3.6, Sony launches 22 cameras, and more

Reviews: Half-Life 2 mods, Dark Void, Serious Sam HD: The first encounter | News: MSI's range of notebooks for 2010, Apple developing a search engine?, Motorola MOTOROI, YouTube, Mozilla Firefox 3.6, Sony launches 22 cameras, and more

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Look inside the Jan Issue of Digit


Firefox 3.6 review - of Personas, JetPack, and a look at the future of Firefox
As Firefox 3.6 releases we take a look at the Firefox present and future...


Lenovo launches two new laptops for SMBs
Lenovo has unveiled new laptops and launches a new laptop series which it hopes will help capture the SMB market.


Windows Mobile 7 platform, Microsoft's last hope, to be unveiled during Mobile World Congress?
The Mobile World Congress is fast approaching and all the mobile phone giants are gearing up to display their products in this popular event


Motorola MOTOROI- Motorola's next successful Android phone?
Motorola has not scored very well with its touch screen phones. The Motorola Cliq came and passed without causing much excitement


StudioTM 15 Laptop w/ 3GB RAM. Intel® CoreTM i3


Youtube expands its HTML5 experiment
Quite a while back Google launched a demonstration of what YouTube would look and function like if it used HTML5's video tag instead of the Flash player


Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter [Review]
Serious Sam: The First Encounter was originally released in 2001 by the now defunct publishers Gathering of Developers


AMD's chink in the armour revealed by Intel's FTC response
Intel has filed a 25 page response to the FTC's anti-trust suit denying all charges laid at its door by AMD


Google on Chrome OS: It's NOT a Windows replacement; building media player for Chrome
Pretty much stating the obvious, but Chrome OS is no Windows, and Google would like thier future customers to be aware of the fact


New StudioTM 15 Laptop w/  Intel® CoreTM i3 Processor


Mass migration to Mozilla and Opera begins as government warn against IE
Mozilla and Opera have both seen a surge in the number of people downloading their browsers


Is Apple developing a search engine to compete against Google?
Apple has taken on an unlikely partner in its battle against Google, Microsoft. Apple, it would seem, now has plans to replace Google


Motion controller for PlayStation 3 gets a release date
The motion controller for PlayStation 3 got a release date of Fall/Autumn (September- December) this year


Sony launches 22 new cameras from Rs. 7,000 to Rs. 30,000
Sony have launched 22 different Digital Camera models in India which span a wide range of choices starting from an affordable Rs. 6,990 to a maximum of Rs. 29,990


StudioTM 15 Laptop Now with Intel® CoreTM i3 Processor


Asus DR-570; A color ebook reader
The Asus ebook reader boasts of specs which can make the Kindle, or any E book reader for that matter, look like a mere toy


Dark Void [Review]
Digit reviews Dark Void - the multi-platform, action adventure game from Capcom


Must play Half-Life 2 mods [Part 1]
A look at some of the best mods for the PC game Half-Life 2


HP shows of Wall of Touch- Touch without dirtying the wall
We all love the feeling that comes with touching a screen to make it work. That is on of the reasons that touch devices have come so far


Inspiron 560s Desktop w/ 2GB RAM. Intel® CoreTM 2Duo


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