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� More Android devices by Garmin, Lenovo, HTC, Acer | Google's Cloud print, the future of printing?
Posted by Ashim Adhikari on 5:12 AM //

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TODAY'S HEADLINES | World Community Grid's 'Nutritious Rice for the World' project comes to an end | Garmin introduces Android-based 'Garminfone' and 'nuvi 3700 Series' GPS navigators | Adobe is done with the iPhone | Lenovo LePhone - Android 2.1, QWERTY keyboard, AMOLED screen - set for May release | Google Cloud Print: The future of printing explored | BlackBerry OS 6.0 revealed - snazzy looks, multi-touch support, and more | Android 2.1 bearing HTC Legend releases in India for Rs. 25,990 [update] | The technology behind Nvidia Tegra 2, which squeezes eight processors into one chip | Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 in 3-way SLI versus ATI Radeon HD 5870 and 5970 in Crossfire | A roundup of the latest iPhone 4G news | Acer Liquid - Android-powered multimedia phone with 5MP camera for Rs. 24,900 [Review] | iPad just as secure as iPhone - not very | HP Slate finds its way to Spain, where it is bashed and photographed [images] | xAuth: A look at the new standard for social connectivity | Google's Single Sign-On password system stolen during recent cyber attack | Magnum tablet - 4.3-inch screen, tethers to your phone for Rs 8,888 [Made in India] | HTC Incredible ready for pre-order with Verizon - April 29th release | ASUS unveils its new O!Play Air streaming HD media player - Rs 10,500 | Adept Quattro - reportedly world's fastest precision control robot - unraveled | Vision Research's Phantom Flex promises 1080p video recording at a stunning 2,800 fps | Windows Phone 7 - low cost version announced and new requirements defined [update] | Intel 'Light Peak' will roll out in 2011, to compete with USB 3.0 | Sharp's NetWalker PC-T1 gives a breath of fresh air to tablets and MIDs | Dell Streak will have bigger siblings soon, giving the iPad stronger competition | Samsung announces ultra-dense 20-nm NAND SD memory cards for late 2010 release | HTC to offer 1080p HD recording, 5.1 audio, an Android-based tablet and more | Both 3G and WiFi iPads will hit the Indian market at the same time | iPhone 4G test unit found in the wild [images] | All-in-One PC news: NEC's 3D PC and Compaq's CQ1-2010 |
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