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� Protect Your PC's Data with Back-Up Discounts from CMS
Posted by Ashim Adhikari on 6:59 AM //
 | Have You Been Crash Tested? |  |  | Don't Be A Crash Test Dummy Back Up with BounceBack Ultimate | BounceBack Ultimate backup and Instant PC Recovery software enables you to quickly and easily recover from a hard drive crash or data corruption easily in three easy steps. | |  | BounceBack Ultimate for Windows will create an identical clone backup of your primary hard drive onto any USB hard drive, and keep your backup up to date with powerful Continuous Data Protection features. Also available for Mac. | $20 Instant Savings for PC World Members Download | $49 |  | CD/Box | $59 |  | Regular price $69 download, $79 CD/Box. |  | Take advantage of limited time special savings offered on selected backup solutions bundled with BounceBack Ultimate! | V2 Desktop Automatic Backup System w/BounceBack Ultimate Protect your desktop computer with the CMS V2 line of desktop backup solutions. These high capacity backup drives will backup and protect your most valuable irreplaceable data using the included BounceBack Ultimate backup software. More info > | 1TB | $119 |  | 1.5 TB | $139 |  | |  | ABSplus Portable Backup System w/BounceBack Ultimate CMS portable backup solutions are designed for the rigors of the road. Shock tested to 1000g. The included BounceBack Ultimate backup software will keep your laptop backed, ready for the next potential computer melt down. More info > | 320GB | $105 |  | 500GB | $119 |  | | | | |
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