Ever wonder why people still send faxes? Or how CB radio still manages to thrive in this day and age? Contributing Editor Dan Tynan takes a look at technologies that ought to be obsolete by now but somehow still hang on. Let me know what old-school gadgets you long for or still use, at steve_fox@pcworld.com.
--Editorial Director Steve Fox
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10 Technologies That Should Be Extinct (But Aren't):
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PCW Business Center
What You Need to Know about IPv6:
A fundamental change in how the Internet works is likely to arrive in the next few years. Failing to plan now could cheat your business out of network security and performance benefits, and to suffer higher costs and painful outages.
Visit the PCW Business Center.
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Could the HDMI cable be heading for an early grave? A new audio/video cable standard created by a collaboration of tech companies may replace HDMI someday.
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Best Big-Screen All-in-One PCs (Over 20 Inches):
Many of these stylish big-screen all-in-one PCs have built-in Blu-ray drives and double as Media Center HDTVs. Some also provide multitouch displays, which let you use two fingers to pinch, push, rotate, and scroll items on screen.
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Need a break from your laptop? These productivity phones offer a lot more than the ability to make calls. Here are the 10 best smartphones available today.
Compare prices on Apple 32GB iPhone 4.
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Two Ways to Remove People From Your Vacation Photos:
Use your image editor to eliminate unwanted distractions from your travel photos long after they're taken.
How to Leave Work Early:
Use these tools and Web services to improve your productivity and shorten your workday.
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Ad-Aware Free Internet Security:
Protect your PC against spyware--and now, against viruses--with the latest version of longtime favorite Ad-Aware Free.
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