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WiFi only version of the Kindle 3, Portable Media Player comparison, the 'other' Nokia N900 review, and more

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Which browser is currently the undisputed champ of Javascript execution speed?
Portable media player comparo - anything but the iPod!
Amazon launches cheaper WiFi-only Kindle 3, for $139
Red mist rises again: Google services completely banned in China (updated)
FeedDemon 3.1 [Download of the Day]
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The (real) Nokia N900 review: why we didn't want to return it to Nokia
Huawei S7 Android 2.1 tablet release delayed to September 6th
Samsung unveils two netbooks - X125 and X180
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X 2 to release on September 7th
Will RIM's BlackBerry tablet be called the BlackPad?
Ethical hacker publishes 100 million Facebook users' public information
MotoGP 09/10 - Moto Racing Unleashed [Review]
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Nokia N8 up for pre-order in Italy for Rs. 28,500; ships September
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Microsoft's Street Slide is Google Street View v2.0
Microsoft explains Kinect's $149 price, says it is at par with Sony's Move
PixelWindow [Download of the Day]
Apple gives its desktop users another multi-touch option, the Apple Magic Trackpad
Apple launches new Mac Pro, iMac, and LED Cinema Display
Motorola to launch an Android 3.0 tablet by late 2010; Nexus One runs Gingerbread
Toshiba launches new 7,200 RPM 2.5-inch SATA drives that outperform 3.5-inch drives
Coolermaster launches 'Trade-in a Friend for Gold' contest
FreeFileSync [Download of the Day]
HTC replaces AMOLED with Super LCD displays on the HTC Desire & Google Nexus One
Google Docs to be refreshed with Google Punch; Google Music being readied for launch
Facebook testing new, faster account deletion feature
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