Home � � Google to shuts down Wave, Is India ready to manufacture hardware? Notion Ink's CEO on Adam's tribulations, and more...

Google to shuts down Wave, Is India ready to manufacture hardware? Notion Ink's CEO on Adam's tribulations, and more...

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Do you think Google was right in shutting down Wave?
Mozilla's Contacts add-on now available for Thunderbird
Google Wave sailing away into the sunset
IrfanView 4.27 [Download of the Day]
Motorola to launch a 10-inch Android TV tablet with Verizon
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Sharp to release a glasses-free 3D smartphone by the end of the year
Is India ready to manufacture hardware? Notion Ink's CEO on Adam's tribulations
Google introduces Chrome Canary builds
Open Plug ELIPS Studio 3 released
RIM introduces BlackBerry 6 OS, reveals BlackBerry Torch to be the rumoured Bold 9800
Gmail drag and drop attachments now works both ways
Get paid software for free, leave piracy to Johnny Depp
Microsoft announces lowered pricing for Office 2011 for Mac
Microsoft showcases magical technology that de-blurs blurry photographs
Nokia reveals its own MeeGo user interface for its future smartphones
JaegerMonkey development diary - shaping up THE JavaScript engine for Firefox 4.0
Numbers reveal: BlackBerry owners looking to switch to iPhone and Android devices
UAE bans BlackBerry email, web, and messaging; RIM says "no one" can access ...
Miro 3.0.3 [Download of the Day]
Casio unveils EX-S200 & EX-Z800 digital cameras with 14MP super resolution technology
Hacker proves vulnerability of 2G GSM networks with homemade call interceptor
Gorilla Glass to make LCD TV and tablet screens unbreakable by CES 2011
LG announces 3 models in the new Wink series of touchscreen phones
Inspan launches new Genius speaker system SW-M2.1 350 at Rs.1,699
Tablet news roundup: RIM's BlackPad, Notion Ink's Adam, and Samsung's Galaxy Tablet
Game trailers: Medal of Honor, Mafia 2, and Dirt 3
LG T325 proposed for August 2010 release under the Cookie brand name
JailbreakMe 2.0 browser-based app jailbreaks all your iOS devices including iPhone 4
Infinitec's Infinite USB Memory Drive finally up for pre-order, priced at $129
Reliance Mobile launches HTC Wildfire in India, an Android 2.1 phone for Rs. 16,590
AADHAR: India's new unique identification system
Dexpot [Download of the Day]
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