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Video: Motorola Defy tested by eXpansys

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 08:29 PM PDT

If you are the kind of person who love dropping his/her phone in water, concrete floor, mud, or anything dirty. Then Motorola has made a phone for you, which is known as the Motorola Defy. Motorola recently launched the Motorola Defy, which is a rugged Android powered device. Motorola Defy is a good phone, and folks over at eXpansys tested the Motorola Defy by dropping it on floor and immersing it in water. And guess what happens then, no I am not going to tell you. Watch the video after the break if you want to know:

The Motorola is coming to T-Mobile USA soon, and it will be known as Motorola Jordan. The device is also going to Vodafone UK, so you will be able to see the device on both carriers soon.

via TalkAndroid

Video: Motorola Defy tested by eXpansys ©, .

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Amazon to bring Kindle app to Blackberry Playbook

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 08:16 PM PDT

A few hours ago, RIM officially unveiled their first ever tablet, the Blackberry Playbook, and I am honestly speaking that it’s a one sexy beast. And the one of the first companies to launch their app for Playbook is Amazon. Amazon has announced that they will bring the Amazon Kindle App to Blackberry Playbook, which is we all know a very popular application, and it’s especially for book lovers. And I am sure that a lot of other big companies developers are also working on apps for Playbook, so we are going to see some good apps for Playbook in future. If you don’t believe me, then watch the press release after the break:

SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN) today announced that it will launch a Kindle app for the new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet computer. Customers can already enjoy the free Kindle app on their BlackBerry today. Like all Kindle apps, the Kindle app for the new BlackBerry PlayBook will let customers Buy Once, Read Everywhere—on Kindle, Kindle 3G, Kindle DX, iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry, Android-based devices, and in the coming months, the new BlackBerry PlayBook. Amazon’s Whispersync technology syncs your place across devices, so you can pick up where you left off. For more information about the free Kindle apps, go to www.amazon.com/kindleapps.

"When you buy a Kindle book, you can already read it on iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, and of course on your Kindle, Kindle 3G, and Kindle DX,” said Dorothy Nicholls, Director, Amazon Kindle. “We’re very excited to add the new BlackBerry PlayBook to that list. As with our other Kindle apps, the BlackBerry PlayBook app will be free and will incorporate our WhisperSync technology so you can seamlessly switch between devices. Our vision is ‘Buy Once, Read Everywhere.’”

via CrackBerry

Amazon to bring Kindle app to Blackberry Playbook ©, .

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What is your next tablet?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 08:02 PM PDT

I am a very big fan of tablets. Tablets are around us from a long time, but we start taking interest in them when we saw the Apple iPad. Apple iPad is a revolution, and one of the hottest gadgets available in the market. Now the same thing is happening again that happened a few years back. When Apple launched the iPhone, at that moment, there was no phone like the iPhone in the market because the iPhone touchscreen, it features and everything was so good. After a time, we saw companies like RIM, HTC, and Motorola start making touchscreen phones which were specially made to challenge the iPhone. And it’s happening again, RIM and Samsung announced tablets because they want to challenge iPad. HTC, Dell, and Motorola also wants to jump in. RIM’s new tablet is really sexy, but I think there is one problem. RIM is launching it next year, and rumors has it that next year we are going to see tablets by Apple, Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Dell, HP, LG, and other brands. So I think it’s a little late to bring Playbook out next year. So folks, after a break. I made a poll in which you have to choose your next tablet? So choose your favorite, and tell us about it !

What is your next tablet? ©, .

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Blackberry Playbook Video Preview

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:57 PM PDT

bb playbook

A few hours ago, Blackberry officially announced the Blackberry Playbook, which is actually the new flagship device by RIM. The Playbook looks very sexy and promising, and I can say one thing without any doubt that the Playbook is a big challenge for Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab. Blackberry will bring it next year in Q1, which will be a little late I think, because next year we will be seeing a new Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab in Q1. Well, we got a video for our readers which is available after the break, in which you will see a little preview of the Playbook. Looks awesome to me, watch and tell us about it. Have a look:


Blackberry Playbook Video Preview ©, .

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Blackberry Playbook Photos

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:36 PM PDT

bb playbook

Here are the official photos of the Blackberry Playbook which is the first Blackberry Tablet. It does not run on BlackBerry Operating System but on the QNX platform. It has Front and Rear Cameras for Video calling

Below is a glimpse of the photo gallery app in action

bb playbook

Here is the very popular BBM or Blackberry Messenger

bb playbook

bb playbook

What’s a Blackberry without Email ?  Awesome two pane email window below.

bb playbook
It feature multitasking as well.

bb playbook

Blackberry Playbook Photos ©, .

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Blackberry Playbook Specs , Launch Date , Price

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 02:10 PM PDT

RIM has just launched it’s tablet which was doing rumors as the BlackPad. It is called the Playbook and here are the specs.

Blackberry Playbook Specs

  • 1 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 7 inch LCD  display with 1024 x 600 screen resolution
  • Multitouch capacitive display
  • Dimensions : 130mm x 194mm x 10mm
  • Weight : 400g
  • microUSB , micro HDMI and DLNA connectivity
  • Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n
  • Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
  • Powered by QNX platform with multitasking
  • Full Adobe Flash 10.1 support
  • Built-in support for HTML 5
  • Video Conferencing with HD Quality and Stereo sound
  • 5 MP Rear Camera
  • 3 MP Front Camera
  • Video playback : 1080p HD video – H.264, MPEG4, WMV , DivX formats
  • Audio Playback :MP3, AAC, WMA
  • Pair with any Blackberry Device ( min OS 5.0 device)  via Bluetooth for Push Email , Calendar , Docs and BBM

Currently the model announced supports only WiFi , but 3G and 4G models are coming soon according to the company

Blackberry Playbook Launch Date , Price

The device will launch in USA in early 2011 or Q1 and global release will happen in Q2. Price has not been revealed as of now but it’s expected to be cheap and placed in the lower end of the tablet market.

Blackberry Playbook Specs , Launch Date , Price ©, .

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HTC Slider phone leaked again, endless beauty

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 01:47 PM PDT

Do you guys remember the HTC Slider we saw passing through FCC, and then an official shots and leaked specs. Folks over at BGR got their hands on the same phone again, which is probably known as HTC Lexikon, or may be it’s the HTC Merge because the codename is HTC ADR6325. Well, what we can see above is that the phone is running Android 2.2 with new Sense UI. It’s a beautiful all black finished, comes with a 5-MP camera (really?), microSD card and SIM card, which means it’s a world phone, and could be the first LTE phone too. BGR got their hands on a dozen of images. So head over to BGR and have a look. I think it’s the sexiest Droid, what do you people think?

HTC Slider phone leaked again, endless beauty ©, .

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T-Mobile G2 misses tethering and gains WiFi calling?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:51 PM PDT

It is reported that T-Mobile G2 will not be featuring the tethering feature. For some people, tethering is one of the main features in their phone, and it’s one of the main features of Froyo too. Other rumors are going around that T-mobile G2 will feature WiFi calling, which is a feature we previously saw on the Optimus One. When asked about the tethering feature to T-mobile, they said that "T-Mobile does not currently support handset tethering or offer a tethering rate plan. Though tethering and Wi-Fi sharing will not be initially supported on the T-Mobile G2, we know that consumers are interested in these features and we are working to develop a solution to support them in the future."

As you can also see a leaked screenshot above, which is saying that the feature will be available in all upcoming select T-Mobile Android devices, so it might be true that G2 will feature WiFi calling. What do you people think about this?

via TmoNews

T-Mobile G2 misses tethering and gains WiFi calling? ©, .

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White iPhone 4 hitting Rogers?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:45 PM PDT

Oh what we have here. In the leaked screenshot above, you can see that a White iPhone 4 is headed to Canadian carrier Rogers. As Apple said that manufacturing a white iPhone 4 is a challenge for them. So that’s why they delayed it, but I think the time is about to come when Apple

will officially unveiled it. The 16GB White iPhone 4 will go for CAD$359 and 32GB CAD$469. Apple said that they will bring it later this year, so we are in the last quarter of 2010, so we can expect a white iPhone 4 anytime now. May be Apple will fix the reception issue in the white iPhone 4 which is currently one of the hottest issues in the iPhone 4, may be that’s why it’s hard for Apple. So folks who is looking forward to a white iPhone 4?

via MobileSyrup

White iPhone 4 hitting Rogers? ©, .

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HTC Mondrian leaked in AT&T ads

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:45 PM PDT

We know that AT&T is planning to carry some WP7 powered phones this year, and we know about some of them. Two ads hits Youtube, in which you can see that AT&T is advertising about the Windows Phone 7, and a new phone reveal too in the videos, the HTC Mondrian. We saw the HTC Mondrian a long time ago, and now we can see in the video below that the phone is coming to AT&T in a few months, probably November. So folks watch the ads after the break and share your thoughts:

via Engadget

HTC Mondrian leaked in AT&T ads ©, .

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Samsung GT-i8700 passes through GSM GCF, Toshiba making a WP7 device?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:45 PM PDT

Remember the Samsung GT-i8700? The phone we saw a few days ago in wild. Gt-i8700 is an upcoming Windows Phone 7 powered phone by Samsung. The phone seems a WP7 powered Galaxy S to me, and it looks like a strong phone too. May be this phone is not for American residents, because the phone recently passes through GSM Global Certification Forum, and the radio bands are showing that the handset is UK bound. So we are going to see this handset in a few months on a UK mobile carrier, and we have to wait for an American version to come.

Another phone passes through the GSM Global Certification Forum, which is manufactured by Toshiba and known as TG03. Rumors has it that the phone is powered by WP7, which means that Toshiba has also joined the WP7 bandwagon. But it could be a WinMo 6.5 powered phone, but I don’t think so Toshiba is going to consider on something old, Android is also possible though. So I hope Toshiba will clear it soon.

Samsung GT-i8700 passes through GSM GCF, Toshiba making a WP7 device? ©, .

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Telus discontinued HTC Hero

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:45 PM PDT

Canadian carrier Telus has discontinued the HTC Hero, which is a very popular phone and known as the one of the best Android phones. HTC Hero is around from a long time, and a lot of better devices than Hero are available in market now. But still Hero has its own place in market, and its always a first choice of the guy who is looking for an awesome and sexy entry level Android device. I think it’s not sad for Canadians because they got a lot of other devices like the HTC Desire, HTC Legend, Milestone, and other Android device. If you don’t like Telus action, then you can get the GSM version of Hero from any retailer, and then you can use it on Telus. Well, you can still find it in some Telus stores, but the device is picked up from Telus website and not available for online ordering anymore.

via MobileSyrup

Telus discontinued HTC Hero ©, .

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Google bring paid apps to 13 more countries

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 12:41 PM PDT

A few days ago, we told you that Google will bring paid Android apps to additional countries in a few days. And today Google finally announced that paid apps are now available in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Finland, Hong Kong, Israel, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Singapore and South Africa. Sweden and Hungary are also rumored to receive Android apps, but no words on it at the moment. So folks in the following countries, Are you happy after getting the paid Android apps?

via IntoMobile

Google bring paid apps to 13 more countries ©, .

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Motorola Droid R2-D2 coming to Verizon on September 30th

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 10:06 AM PDT

Verizon finally came out and they officially announced the release date for the Motorola Droid R2-D2 edition. Verizon will bring the device in stores on September 30th. The phone is going for $249 after $100 mail-in-rebate. The phone will also feature some pre-loaded Starwars feature. So folks, tell us that are you looking forward to this device? If you are a die-hard Star Wars fan then may be yes. Have a look on the Press Release after the break:

MAY THE DROID BE WITH YOU: LIMITED EDITION DROID™ R2-D2™ BY MOTOROLA LANDS ON VERIZON WIRELESS' NETWORKDROID™ R2-D2™ by Motorola Brings the Galactic Empire to CustomersBASKING RIDGE, N.J., and LIBERTYVILLE, Ill. – Verizon Wireless announced that the highly anticipated limited edition DROID™ R2-D2™ by Motorola will be available online at www.verizonwireless.com and in select Verizon Wireless Communication stores beginning Sept. 30. With a graphic design to look like the iconic Astromech Droid from the Star Wars™ Saga, the DROID™ R2-D2™ by Motorola will be packaged in a custom box resembling carbonite and come with a Star Wars media dock and wired stereo headset. Exclusive content comes pre-loaded on the special edition smartphone, including:

  • R2-D2 notification sounds and ringtones
  • Four live wallpapers
  • R2-D2 Clock Widget
  • "The Best of R2-D2″ video with the original Cantina music
  • Exclusive Binoculars App

Star Wars Mobile App Available for All Customers with Android 2.1 phones
To celebrate 30 years since the film hit theaters, customers with Android devices running Android 2.1 or higher will soon be able to get the Empire Strikes Back app from Android Market™. The app, only for Verizon Wireless customers, allows Jedi Masters to browse, preview and download Star Wars content related to Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Verizon Wireless customers can access premium Star Wars content for a one-time charge of $2.99.The Star Wars mobile app will have the following features and content:

  • Bounty Hunt Visual ID: Find and capture images around the Star Wars universe to unlock hidden content
  • Sound and Photo Gallery
  • Live Wallpapers:
    • Blast the Probe Droid
    • Luke Balancing Yoda
    • Navigating the Asteroid Field
    • Watch Bespin's Cloud City
  • Trivia Challenge: Answer trivia questions about The Empire Strikes Back
  • Widgets

The DROID™ R2-D2™ by Motorola will be available for $249 after a $100 mail-in rebate with a new two-year customer agreement. Customers will need to subscribe to a Nationwide Talk plan or a Nationwide Talk & Text plan (beginning at $39.99 monthly access) and an Email and Web for Smartphone plan (beginning at $29.99 for unlimited monthly access). Customers will receive the rebate in the form of a debit card; upon receipt, customers may use the card as cash anywhere debit cards are accepted.For more information on DROID™ R2-D2™ by Motorola, go to www.droiddoes.com/r2d2.

via BGR

Motorola Droid R2-D2 coming to Verizon on September 30th ©, .

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Blackberry Style 9670 hitting Sprint?

Posted: 27 Sep 2010 09:37 AM PDT

A few days ago, we saw the Blackberry Style 9670 passing through FCC, and we saw that the phone comes with dual-band CDMA radios. Which means that if the phone is coming to USA, then only Sprint or Verizon will be the most likely to pick this phone, and may be it’s Sprint. Folks over at CrackBerry got their hands on an internal shot of Sprint database, which shows the Blackberry Style 9670. The device is not officially announced yet, so may be we will see RIM announcing the device during DevCon. So if RIM is announcing it during DevCon, then we are going to see the device in November. Anyone interested in a flip-Blackberry phone?

Blackberry Style 9670 hitting Sprint? ©, .

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