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TMS Tech Blog

Boeing Will Launch Space Tourism Business, Lifting Off in 2015

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 11:54 AM PDT

American space ambitions have, for the most part, maintained a well-defined line between space exploration and space tourism, But that line has now blurred considerably as Boeing announced that it is entering the space tourism business, selling leftover seats in its Crew Space Transportation (CST) spacecraft after the initial four are filled by embarking and returning crews bound for the [...]

Japan Suspects Chinese Hackers Attacked Its Official Websites

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:43 AM PDT

Japan views Chinese hackers as main suspects for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks that affected several of its official websites last week.According to the Taipei Times, the Japanese government is investigating attacks directed at the Ministry of Defense and National Police Agency websites, between Wednesday and Friday. The largest known Chinese hacking group is suspected for launching the DDoS, [...]

SMU researchers working on fiber optic link to brain for controlling robotic prosthetics and more

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 12:23 AM PDT

fiberopticbrain sgThere are untold numbers of people around the world who have lost the use of their limbs from accident or illness that have new hope of being able to use the limb again thanks to some cool research at SMU. A researcher named Marc Christensen has developed a new fiber optic nerve system that may one day allow for a [...]

iPhone 4 Launching in China on September 25th

Posted: 21 Sep 2010 07:38 PM PDT

iPhone 4 reviewRumors about the latest generation iPhone heading to China seemed to have been true. Apple has just announced that the iPhone 4 will be made available in China in just a few days. Bringing all of the same features that purchasers around the world have been enjoying for a few months now, the China-bound model is actually launching hand-in-hand with [...]


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