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HTC Droid Incredible for Verizon has Hidden 4G Settings Menu

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 09:30 AM PDT

Droid Incredible 4G2While Verizon has a firm plan on their LTE roll-out for the rest of 2010, leading all the way out to 2013, there's no reason to think that their current generation devices have the ability to access 4G technology. At least, that's what they want you to think. Courtesy of wwwery, the settings screens that you see below were found [...]

Google: Requiring Stock Android would violate the “Principle of Open Source”

Posted: 26 Sep 2010 04:47 AM PDT

A lot of the popularity of Google's Android OS comes from the fact that it is open source, developers, manufactures can do what they want with it. This leads many of them to customize it to their own liking for any specific device (e.g. HTC Sense UI, MOTOBLUR). Some of these builds do not exactly fit everyone's liking, so some [...]

Sony Introducing the World’s First Internet Television on October 12th

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 11:25 PM PDT

Sony Google TV announcement1 580x449Google TV is almost upon us, and it looks like Sony is all set to get their announcements on. While we near the end of September, it doesn't look like GTV is going to get "officially launched" this month, contrary to what Intel's CEO said not too long ago. So it looks like Eric Schmidt's "Fall" time frame was pretty [...]

Verizon May Not Accept Apple’s Contract Terms for iPhone Launch

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 06:33 PM PDT

Verizon iPhone 4Launching the iPhone may be a hard proposition for Verizon, despite what the wireless company's CEO said recently. With Verizon iPhone 4 rumors at an all time high, especially with talk about production beginning as early as November of this year. But, if a new report from Mike Abramsky of RBC Capital Markets is accurate, then the note might dispel [...]

Adobe Flash Updated again to Version

Posted: 25 Sep 2010 01:11 PM PDT

Just a few short days after Monday's crucial Flash update that fixed the security hole within Flash 10.1, comes another update. The changelog for this update has not been published yet, but we can only guess that it makes it more stable as well as potentially patching something they left behind in As always, it is recommended that you [...]


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