By Joey Asher Create Compelling Presentations with the Three Q Method
Most presentations are complicated messes. Listeners wonder "What are the key points?", "Why should I care?", "Why is this so complicated?" and "Do we have to look at that many slides?" Presentations don't have to be complicated to be good. There is a simple approach to creating simple presentations that connect with the needs of any audience—and you won't need to create a single PowerPoint slide. We call it "The Three Q Method." It works because it is built around your audience members' key questions about the topic. The only prop you'll need is a flip chart. Start with What Your Audience Cares About
Next time you have to create a presentation, don't go to your computer and open up PowerPoint. Instead, take out a blank sheet of paper and ask yourself "What are the three questions my audience would most likely ask me about this subject?" Those three questions will become the basis of your presentation. Delivering Your Three Q Presentation
After introducing the topic, introduce the questions, writing them on a flip chart. Once you've given an overview of the topic, preview your presentation for your listeners by telling them the three questions you plan to address.
As you introduce the questions, write them on a flip chart. This gives the audience an easy way to follow your presentation.
The best way to answer each question is to give a simple answer in the first sentence or two. Then elaborate as much as you'd like.
End by opening up the floor for questions. Everyone's favorite part of the presentation is the Q&A. It's where listeners can get their specific needs addressed. When you've finished answering the three key questions, take more from your audience. You don't need lots of slides for a great presentation. All you need to do is answer your audience's key questions simply and clearly. This article is excerpted from 15 Minutes Including Q&A: A Plan to Save the World from Lousy Presentations. In the book, author Joey Asher details how to create short, persuasive messages that connect with audiences. This short book covers such topics as how to create "rifle-shot" presentations, how to answer questions in a way that inspires confidence, how to develop your own leadership delivery style, and how to overcome a fear of public speaking. If you would like to preview the book, check out the free eBook How to Create a Seven Minute Rifle Shot Presentation. | From Our SponsorNovember 12th, 2010 Top Stories |
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Create Compelling Presentations with the Three Q Method
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